High 95, 2023

Cuban Black Haze
The Flower Farm
Green House

About the entry

Cuban Black Haze clone, the story I heard was it was a NL5Haze brought back from Amsterdam by some Cuban folk from Miami who later brought the cut to NYC where it may have been referred to as Piff, possibly along with some other cuts that were also referred to as Piff and was often available around Washington Heights. But who knows...? Its definitely a haze, its got the attic, churchy, incense side of the haze nose and flavor, similar to Nevilles haze, with a slight pepperyness. It takes forever, we ran it 109 days and it probably still could've gone a little longer, it matured from the inside out and still was kicking new growth on its tips as the inner buds were throwing amber trichs. This may have been because we started it flowering in natural light in March and then started depping in mid April as the hours started to be too much light for flowering. We pulled her at full cloudy with a probably 20% amber trichomes and she came out as some of the smoothest smoke Ive ever grown, you hardly notice the smoke in your chest. Shes not the strongest haze but has an amazing ceiling free high, you just feel like youre floating on clouds and it just takes you up and up and up. Great long lasting high with no anxiety and a clear head. Ive really enjoyed this smoke and its gotten great reviews from what we put out to the community. Whatever its story its a special plant and I look forward to growing her again. She went 109 days, no mold, no mildew, basically zero IPM needed, hardly needed any feeding(top dressed once) and yielded great, after significant flowering time. Cant get my pics to resize to fit on here but theyre on my instagram @theflowerfarmme

About the grower

Ive been involved in growing cannabis since the late 90s. My wife and I have been growing legal cannabis in Maine since 2012. We've both been involved in agriculture for much of our life and have worked on numerous farms growing vegetables, mushrooms, trees, perennials, flowers, and herbs. In addition to growing cannabis we also operate a cut flower business that works with florists and floral designers from MDI to Portland. We have a passion for regenerative and biological based agriculture and hope to contribute by stewarding our small farms ecosystem to be diverse and healthy. We see our farm as not just a cannabis farm but as a diverse farm offering healthy food, flowers, and ganja, as a way to contribute beneficially to our community. We love cannabis and it has been a medicine in our family for decades, we've struggled as many others have, to cultivate this plant continuously through great odds, before we were in a legal market. I've been locked in a cage over this plant, we've had to hide and live double lives for many years to cultivate this medicine, all the while knowing how harmless and healing this plant was for us. Nowadays we are just so happy to be able to contribute to and live through the legalization and re-normalization of this wonderful healing herb, that had to hide in the shadows for so many years. We will continue to work to cultivate this herb for our community, no matter the odds, and we will continue to fight against any unjust laws placed against those who wish to use this healing medicine, until this plant is truly free.


Cuban Black Haze






No, but I was gifted the cut.


one spray with lactobacillus early in flower, nothing else


bed was fertilized to soil test with Manure and seaweed based compost, vermicompost, potassium sulfate, gypsum, rock phosphate, boron, kelp, soymeal, manganese, epsom salt


vegged in a 15gal fabric pot, in living acres compost and peat based mix, fabric pot was placed on slightly rasied bed directly on ground.


beneficial insects

2023 entries

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