Spacecase #4
Black Bog Farm

High 95, 2022


About the entry

We are fortunate enough to have amazing spring water spilling onto our property. Our living soil sun grown gardens are Mofga Certified. We think every single garden has its own unique features and special potential. Its all about understanding your micro climate and nature that surrounds your garden. Over the years we've learned that less is more. Team up with Microbes and read your environment. Deliver the good vibes and have fun! These plants are energy sponges dag nabbit!

About the grower

We have been Lucky to learn from the Legacy growers that came before us. We are standing on the shoulders of giants! We were fortunate enough to buy a special piece of property 8 seasons ago that unbeknownst to us, had a story to tell. We found out that our spring fed southeast facing hill was home to the largest pot bust in Maine history in the 90's. We knew it was a special place when we saw it, but did not know it was THAT special! We knew it was our job to carry the torch and help cannabis come into the light and favor of public opinion. We've been doing so by attempting to grown craft sun grown cannabis to the best of our ability. We are always learning and trying to work with nature and our special micro climate.


Spacecase #4


Black Bog Farm


Tavarua X Goji OG Twin Flame


Took Jedi Ganga warriors Tavarua and introduced GOJI lineage to a long line of hazey Sativa



Dry amendments and Compost Tea!


Living Soil


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